Document for the export of painting (< 50 years),
- one painting or artwork (sculpture, decorative element) 3.000 rubles
- more than ten paintings 2.000 rubles for each artwork
Time of preparation of documents is 5-7 days.
Super Express DOCUMENT = 1 day (min = 1 hour) - 7.000 rubles per artwork
The art object should be less than fifty years (< 50 years)
If the Art Object is more than 50 years old, but less than 100 years
- the deadline for preparing documents is 30 working days,
- the fee is 5% of the cost of the art object
We need the following documents:
- photos from two or three angles
- dimensions, equipment, year
- surname, first name and date of birth who takes out
* art object - painting, sculpture, book, postcard
** The deadlines for processing documents begin from the moment of receipt of all necessary documents