Document for the export of ART object
from Russia
For example, painting: painting (oil, acrylic), graphics, watercolor, sculpture (bronze),
decorative object
    1 day

    7.000 rubles for EXPRESS document

  • FAST (Urgent document)
    2 day
    5.000 rubles for document
  • USUAL (5-7 days)
    3.000 rubles for document
Send request to prepare a document
Document for the export of painting, sculpture, art object
Document for the export of painting (< 50 years),
- one painting or artwork (sculpture, decorative element) 3.000 rubles
- more than ten paintings 2.000 rubles for each artwork
Time of preparation of documents is 5-7 days.

Super Express DOCUMENT = 1 day (min = 1 hour) - 7.000 rubles per artwork
The art object should be less than fifty years (< 50 years)

If the Art Object is more than 50 years old, but less than 100 years
  • the deadline for preparing documents is 30 working days,
  • the fee is 5% of the cost of the art object

We need the following documents:
  • photos from two or three angles
  • dimensions, equipment, year
  • surname, first name and date of birth who takes out

* art object - painting, sculpture, book, postcard
** The deadlines for processing documents begin from the moment of receipt of all necessary documents
Why are you need document for export?
Send painting abroad
You need to send the artwork by mail or transport company
I'm taking a picture with me
Do you want take artwork with your luggage
Your friend take your painting
Do you want to make a gift as a painting or an art object so that your friend can leave with the painting without any problems
Art object
We will choose the best expert in your subject of art.
  • Painting (Western Europe, Asia)
    Oil painting or acrylic painting on wood, fiberboard or canvas
  • Graphics (Western Europe, Asia)
    Watercolor, pastel, pencil, ink on paper
  • Sculpture
    voluminous object made using modern materials: bronze, metal, marble. For sculpture, you need at least two photographs in different angles.
  • Musical instrument
    musical instruments draw up a passport
  • arts and crafts
    arts and crafts
  • Orders, awards, weapons
    edged weapons
Export document
The expert opinion contains
1. YOUR name and YOUR surname (as in pasport)
2. Electronic expert signature
Want a consultation - fill out the form
photo of your artwork will give us preliminary information and the opportunity to advise you in more detail
Egor Shulakov
Freelance photographer & photo editor
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Константиновский проспект, 1
Телефон: +7.921.9478402
Электронная почта: